Ten Ramadan Shopping Tips only Smart Shoppers Do in 2025. Number 4 is the Most Important!

Ten Ramadan Shopping Tips you need to know before you go Shopping in 2025

Ramadan is a month of prayer, fasting, and contemplation for Muslims. It is commemorated by millions of Muslims in Muslim-majority countries around the world, from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and United Arab Emirates in the Middle East to Indonesia and Malaysia in Southeast Asia, as well as Muslim groups around the world. Ramadan and Eid traditions, cultures, cuisines, and attires differ, and there is no single “Muslim” festive dress code — kaftans or embroidered tunics in the Middle East, saris in Bangladesh. But, whether you’re a practicing Muslim or not, Ramadan and Eid call for you to dress up in your finest outfits. This is why we thought it would be a great idea to share with you 10 Ramadan shopping tips for 2025. This last year has been tough on almost everyone, yet, the holy month of Ramadan and Eid are always an occasion to hope for the best that is yet to come. And what is better than shopping to ease off the steam and prepare us for Eid!

Whether your shopping list is for groceries, clothing, or gifts, here are all the tips for shopping smarter this Ramadan.

Not a fan of long posts? Here is a summary of the Ten Ramadan Shopping tips for this year.

Ramadan Shopping Tips, Tip #1: Shop Online

Prior to March 2020 people used to raid malls and shopping centers to scout out the latest trends and sales. Unfortunately, after the major health crises the world is going through, store shopping became unadvised this is why our first Ramadan shopping tip is to shop online in order to stay safe and avoid contagiousness with the covid-19 virus. In addition to keeping safe, online shopping has much more perks than you think:

  • Online shopping is convenient: you can shop from the comfort of your own house, without having to worry about what to wear or how you look.
  • You will be saving time: Online shopping is ideal for those who are unable to visit the high street on a daily basis due to their busy schedules. Rather than spending hours searching through various stores, you can purchase items online with just a few clicks.
  • You can literally shop 24/7: You no longer have to wait for the weekend or rush home from work to get the items you require; instead, you can get them whenever you want. Rather than having to wait for your day off to go shopping, you can now shop from the convenience of your own home or office at any time of day or night.
  • The product range is much larger online: It’s no secret that most retailers have more inventory online than they do in their actual stores. You can often access a much wider variety of goods online due to the capacity of warehouses and the space limitations of local stores, and search buttons make it even easier to find the products you want in a short period of time.
  • Online products can be cheaper: I have experienced this myself, I was shopping for some baby clothing from Mothercare, and after delivery, I discovered that some sizes didn’t fit. So I went to Mothercare physical shop to exchange the pieces, and I was surprised that shop prices were 10 to 15% higher than online pricing!

Physical shop prices were 15-20% higher than online shop prices

This leads us to our second Ramadan shopping tip.

Use Coupons and Promo Codes

Ramadan is a holy month that we all love celebrating, but none of us can deny the extra expenses that come with it, so being able to save money on groceries, clothing, or gift shopping is an exciting idea for all of us. With coupons and promo codes, you will be able to enhance your online shopping experience and get discounts on your overall purchases.

While an in-store coupon is unlikely unless the store is holding a special event, many retailers offer a plethora of discounts and voucher codes that can be used online as part of their marketing campaigns. Many third-party websites, such as iCouponU.com, provide unique promo codes that can only be used online and not in stores. Furthermore, websites frequently carry more exclusive deals and discounts than retail stores, and you might be able to find items that were not discounted in-store for a much lower price online. You can then pick up these items at your local store or have them shipped to your home.

All you need to do is visit the website and copy the promo code that fits your needs then persuade yourself to online shopping as you usually do.

After choosing your selected items and adding them to your cart, head to the checkout page and paste the promo code you copied in the right place and hit “Apply”. This is when the magic happens and you will get your discount.

We recommend that you subscribe to the telegram channel and/or email newsletter for frequent updates.

If you are looking for more ways to save money, you will love our 3rd tip in our Ramadan shopping tips.

Follow your Favorite Brands on Social Media

During Ramadan which is a festive season yet a season of caring and sharing love, people tend to connect more. This is why retailers and brands for the most part work on building a connection with their followers and spoiling them by offering special discounts and sales which they usually share on their online platforms.

It can be a few hours special sale on Instagram, a flash sale for a few items on Facebook, a promo code or coupon on Twitter, or even free shipping on Tiktok.

We think that following stores on social media can help you save money as much as it can help you discover new fashion trends and clothing collections before they are displayed in physical stores.

Ramadan Shopping Tips, Tip #4: Don’t Shop While Hungry

Dont-shop-hungry Ramadan Shopping Tips

Probably you’ve already heard that going to the grocery store with an empty stomach is a bad idea. You may not realize it, but even if you’re shopping for non-food products, you shouldn’t go to the mall. According to new research from the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota, being hungry increases your ability to acquire objects. A study has been made on customer’s shopping behavior and researchers conducted that those who were more hungry had invested 64% more money than those who were not.

While hunger increased participants’ desire to obtain the nonfood items, it did not increase their liking for the items. To put it another way, when you’re hungry, you’re more likely to reach for your credit card, even for items you don’t really care for.

So in conclusion, you should be careful shopping during Ramadan and it would be best if you did it after iftar to spend rationally.

Shop for Clothes you can Wear the rest of the year – Modest yet Stylish

Ramadan Gifts ideas

During the holy month of Ramadan, it is important to shop for clothing that fits our everyday lives otherwise it would be a waste of money to buy clothing that you can wear only once. For example, the caftan is a must-have for your Ramadan wardrobe this season, as it is both elegant and trendy and most importantly you can wear it after this holy month is over.

It’s a modernized version of the traditional Abaya, transforming what is perceived as a traditional local dress code into something more modern, hip, and trendy while remaining true to the Abaya’s true identity and purpose. It will look fantastic over culottes, a long flowy dress, pajama-style pants, or a nice pair of jeans.

Ramadan Shopping Tips, Tip #6: Do Some Digging

It is always advised to do some digging before spending your money. 81% of consumers tend to research the products before buying them and this is what we recommend you to do. Whether you’re shopping online or offline, you always need to check few things before using that credit card:

  • Firstly you should check for the quality, look for written reviews online or videos of other shoppers talking about their experience especially if this is your first time buying from this brand.
  • Secondly, you should look for other suppliers and check if they have cheaper prices for that same item, discounts, or free shipping options for online shoppers.
  • Finally, check if there are any upcoming events or sales.

Get prepared

Get prepared for shopping

As silly as this may seem, getting inspired and knowing what you want before starting the shopping process is very important.

Keep a “fashion inspiration” notebook (or Pinterest page, or Instagram collection) where you can save pictures of looks you want, stars dressed in clothes that inspire you, or anything else that attracts you! Save pictures of what your favorite fashion muse is wearing so you can return to them later.

If you’ve gathered your inspiration in one spot, you’ll need to deconstruct it to figure out exactly what you’re searching for. Smart shopping necessitates some forethought.

Now that you’ve compiled a long list of items you’d like to buy, it’s time to cross off something that doesn’t suit your aesthetic. Begin by determining how fashionable each item is. Is this something you’ll only wear during Ramadan, or is it a timeless classic?

Once you have figured this out and get the final list of what you need, it’s time to go on a shopping spree.

Do not be Afraid to Pump it up

Tom Ford’s swirling, animal prints, Kenneth Ize’s textural stripes, and La DoubleJ’s vintage-inspired graphics all contribute to a cheerful and happy spring wardrobe, and who doesn’t need a little levity right now Even if you are used to minimalist clothing, this is your time to shine, step out of your comfort zone and pump things up a little. Balance large and small prints inside the same outfit while keeping the accessories to a minimum to make the look work for you. Allow your outfit to speak for itself.

Use Accessories

If you’re trying to switch up your look this Ramadan and look elegant, hair and hijab accessories are a great way to do so without having to invest in a whole new wardrobe. A line-up of pearl-embellished clips in your hijab makes a classic going-out top feel extra unique, while a beaded headband makes a statement when combined with a frilly collared shirt. From tiaras to flowery headbands to bejeweled crowns and headpieces, adding an excellent head accessory to your outfit will instantly elevate your style during Ramadan nights.

Design insiders everywhere have been embracing the trend, from editors to influencers, and we think that you should hop on this trend.

Don’t be Selfish

Ramadan Shopping Tips - Gifts

People give gifts to each other for a variety of reasons, one of which is that it is a kind of the “language of love.” Not everybody is born with a “silver tongue,” and even someone with great intellect will not always be able to express their love in words. This is where gifts come into play, not to mention “Zakat”. Ramadan is the month of giving and sharing and Eid is one of the most awaited Islamic holidays, marking the end of the Holy Month of Ramadan. A thoughtful gift at Eid can elicit the same emotional response as a thousand carefully designed words. It will demonstrate to the person to whom you’re giving a gift that you treasure and appreciate the relationship you two share, whether romantic or platonic. And gifting shouldn’t always be fancy and costly, a quick look at our stores offers and coupons will provide you tens of savings opportunities during your Ramadan shopping this season.

This is why in the next article we will share with you gift ideas to offer your beloved ones!

Final Thoughts

Those were our Ramadan shopping tips for this year, we really hope that you find them useful. If you have other tips or ideas, please do share them in the comments below. Have a blessed Ramadan, enjoy shopping, and always remember to be a smart shopper!

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